Pour être Certifié Acquéreur PATTE BLANCHE, 3 conditions sont requises :
- Budget min 1,5M€
- Paiement comptant
- Profil / Validé après entretien

my account

Identify yourself

Create your account

Confirmation password
The information collected from this form is necessary for the processing of your request. They are recorded and transmitted to the services of TARDY IMMOBILIER in charge of its treatment.
You have computer rights and freedoms on the data concerning you, which you can exercise by contacting the data protection officer of TARDY IMMOBILIER. Personal data protection policy. We would like to inform you of the existence of the Bloctel list of opposition to telephone canvassing, on which you can register here: https://www.bloctel.gouv.fr/.
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Patte Blanche
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